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New Century Grand Hotel Shaoxing, Он расположен в районе экономического развития известного историко - культурного города шаосина, пересекающего восточную дорогу с рекой пинцзян, и прилегает к новому городу Шаосин, расположенному рядом с шаосиным в будущем.
в номере есть все виды номеров, удобный дизайн интерьера, внимательный и полный рабочий день стюардесса, не очень маленький золотые ключи, которые принесут вам собрание, бизнес или отдых, ваш вкус необыкновенный.
в отеле есть различные рестораны, с вами во время гастрономических туров.23 роскошных купе в разных стилях, есть роскошные рестораны в провинции цзяньнань, которые представляют вам лучшие блюда ханчжоу бань, Шаосин, высококачественные морепродукты и другие.очень европейский и континентальный западный ресторан, свежий и изящный японский ресторан, великолепная экзотическая кухня также позволяет вам вернуться домой.огромный, великолепный, блестящий, открытый зал расположен на 4 этаже отеля, зал площадью более 1000 квадратных метров, большой, без колонн многофункциональный зал банкета, может вместить одновременно 800 человек, чтобы провести собрание или обед.девять небольших, средних и роскошных конференц - залов разного размера, хорошо сконструированные VIP - услуги, чтобы удовлетворить ваши многочисленные потребности.
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Вопросы и ответы
  • Какое время заезда и выезда в New Century Grand Hotel Shaoxing?

    Время заезда: с 14:00, а время выезда: до 12:00 в New Century Grand Hotel Shaoxing.

  • Есть ли в New Century Grand Hotel Shaoxing бассейн и Занятия по фитнесу ?

    Да. Информацию о бассейне и тренажерный зал и других удобствах вы найдете на этой странице.

  • Eсть ли New Century Grand Hotel Shaoxing ресторан?

    Да, вы можете поесть в отеле.

  • New Century Grand Hotel Shaoxing Есть ли широкополосный доступ или Wi-Fi?

    Да, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с сотрудниками стойки регистрации отеля для уточнения деталей.

  • New Century Grand Hotel Shaoxing Вы принимаете предоплату?

    Примите, пожалуйста, отправьте ваш заказ, прежде чем связаться с нами.

  • New Century Grand Hotel Shaoxing Принимать оплату кредитной картой?

    Нет, отель не принимает кредитные карты.

  • Сколько стоит завтрак для New Century Grand Hotel Shaoxing?

    завтрак CNY88 / чел.

  • Сколько стоит проживаниe New Century Grand Hotel Shaoxing?

    Цены начинаются с CNY538, в зависимости от типа номера и даты.

ОТЗЫВЫ больше
  • cicilew
    Second stay. Nice hotel
  • alanwen520
    Not bad. I've also given away coupons recently. It's very cost-effective
  • e00798270
    Great hotel
  • sunnycao
    It's better to order for overseas customers
  • jinyaowei
    not bad
  • argent
    The room is clean and comfortable. Good breakfast
  • superlulu
    The five-star hotel is very tall. In the remarks, it says that it needs a big bathtub. It's really a big round fish tank. It's great. For three of us, the 100 yuan meal coupon from the hotel can just offset our breakfast. The bed is very big. The key toilet is really big. It feels bigger than our room??
  • xingwennan
    Very good facilities, very good service! Although the location is not in the scenic spot, it's convenient to take a taxi to the scenic spot. It's a starting price. The buffet breakfast is also rich. Overall feel comfortable, very satisfied! I will choose this hotel next time.
  • e00077007
    The hotel is located on the side, but Shaoxing is not big, so it is also convenient. There are many people in the swimming pool. Children come to learn. One pool is divided into two, but the waiter on the other side will tell you that it is a member area. I really don't know that accommodation guests should pool in the children's learning area!
  • cafebabe
    Okay, okay
  • amy_jun7641
    The hotel is good, the surrounding environment is OK, the breakfast is good.
  • futureboy
    not bad
  • ryanyao
    Not up to the five-star standard
  • bbomao
    The hotel is very comfortable, quiet, good service, good location, very good.
  • Becton
    Not bad. I will choose Kaiyuan when I go to other places in the future!
  • lee125
    It's a big room! Breakfast is just like that!
  • lancon001
    The hotel room is good, the bathroom is very special, very big! Five minutes walk around, there is a Shaoxing stall, eating is more convenient! It's also very close to several scenic spots!
  • cx_153
    Yes, the cost performance is fairly good. Compared with 2 years ago, the overall performance is good
  • e00093630
    The hotel seems pretty good, but it's a little far from the downtown area
  • labsundong
    Business is very good, there are a few check-in counters.
  • axue228
    Rabbit treasure is extremely satisfied with the hotel! Because there are beautiful rabbit slippers, and she likes strawberry flavor children's toiletries. The big bathtub in the room made up for her regret that she couldn't swim in the swimming pool downstairs without a swimsuit.
  • dianping
    The bathroom is large, the bed can be put together, there are various pillows to choose from, and the Chinese restaurant is affordable
  • Angela er er
    The hotel of Kaiyun is in order. not bad
  • m08833
    I checked out early in the morning because I stayed late in a hurry. I felt pretty good.
  • minimice
    The environment is good, the facilities are complete, and the waiter's attitude is amiable.
  • aban~
  • bafss
    It's a good hotel. It's better to add a tissue box at the head of the bed.
  • babyff
    Comfortable and affordable.
  • jason16837
    Generally speaking, it's very good. The environment is elegant, the service is serious and warm, the breakfast is rich, and the family is very happy to live. Kaiyuan hotel will be selected next time in Shaoxing!
  • cym625
    This is Shaoxing during the May Day holiday. This time, the accommodation conditions are different from those in the past. Because my wife and I want to take our 8-month-old daughter together, I want to choose a better hotel. Shaoxing Kaiyuan is selected because the hotel and its location are no more than 2km away from several famous scenic spots in Shaoxing. It is relatively convenient for us to drive and will not have the sense of congestion that is too central. After staying in the hotel, I felt very good, with complete facilities, especially the super large bathtub in the room, which can just give my daughter a bath. My daughter had a good time. It is worth mentioning that the breakfast here is self-help, with a wide variety, as well as the characteristic diet of Shaoxing. Another thing to say is that Kaiyuan is also recommended by her wife, because she once lived in Kaiyuan in Beijing on a business trip. I feel good.
  • wangyan_1127
    Very cost-effective, very good hardware and service, but the TV in the room is a little old
  • bangbangjingjin
    Every time I go to Shaoxing, I start with Kaiyuan. I like the environment very much
  • olivermm
    OK. The single bed is relatively hard. The standard bed is OK. The standard room puts two beds together. It's strange.
  • Daimen
    The facilities of the hotel itself are very good, and the services of all departments are very good. There's no fun around, but it's only eight yuan to take a taxi to the busy area, which is very affordable.
  • luella629
    The waiters are very young, and their service awareness needs to be improved.
  • icecream1206
  • wo_ailu
    The efficiency of hotel check-in and check-out is not high, and the waiting time is long. There was something wrong with the reserved room. Later, the staff upgraded it to the administrative big bed room. There is still a gap between service awareness and hotels in first tier cities. Pretty good overall.
  • jiao1021
    It's OK, it's OK, it's OK, it's OK
  • Acton88
    The hotel upgraded the deluxe room for free, which was pretty good. The price is not expensive. But this hotel can't meet the five-star standard.
  • manxxx
    Old five stars, it's still good
    The hotel is good and there are many scenic spots around
  • e01014958
    just so so...
  • armyoo
    The location of the hotel is OK, but there are no shops around. The facilities are pretty good, very clean, the bathroom is big, and the buffet dinner included in the reservation is pretty good. The breakfast is a little poor, and it's quite close to a scenic spot
  • longlongago72
    Overall, it's good. It's very convenient to go to the scenic spots (Lu Xun's former residence, Shen Yuan, etc.). It's just that breakfast is not very good. The Chinese restaurant is not bad. The cost performance is good.
  • sd3493537
    High cost performance, recommended! The pool water is not clean.
  • piaomiao1
    excellent! This price is really very affordable.
  • buffett89
    I'm used to it
  • Carrie1027
    very good
  • myreina
    It's good to stay all the time.
  • cba001
    Buffet is good, very rich, especially I love to eat a variety of cakes, tofu taste great! It's the Internet that suck! No matter in the room or in the restaurant, there is no wireless network!
  • iriswenwenxue
    It's not the first time
  • Bradley
    Patient and considerate service, good facilities and hardware. Continue to support Kaiyuan!
  • Caddy
  • crystaln
    Good hotel, good environment and convenient transportation
    The hotel is in the Development Zone, opposite the building materials market. It is far away from the business district. The road behind is a residential area. It is very lively. There are many small hotels. Shaoxing City is not big. All the scenic spots in the city are within walking distance from the city center, about three kilometers from the hotel. The hotel service is quite user-friendly. We check in three people. The person in charge of the front desk helps coordinate with the restaurant. We have breakfast for three people on the first day and not the next day. But the check-out is a little slow. You have to go to the concierge to check in your luggage. The front desk can't provide one-door service. The room is small and the bathroom is large. The hotel must have its target audience, but the room layout is a little strange. Sitting in front of the desk can't open the door of the low cabinet. It's too close. No conditioner, not in line with the five-star grade.
  • rayxu09
    Very good service attitude. The hair dryer should be replaced. It's old and aging.
  • caicai74
  • duobiwang
    It's great. It's super cost-effective